Avex Defy Logo


Your Crypto SuperApp

Access all Defi Products in a Gamified Way
Within a Single App
Trade/Earn/Invest with Crypto and NFTs in a single app and get rewarded with friends.
Access all Defi Products in a Gamified Way
Within a Single App
Like Moving Up?
With Different Text?
with Crypto and NFTs in a single app and get rewarded with friends.

15+ Dapps

All aptos apps that matter under one app
Avex Defy Logo Mockup
Aptos Identity Connect
Aptos Sushi Swap
Aptos Econia
Aptos Thala Labs
Aptos Naming Service
Aptos Moralis
Aptos Indexer
Aptos Aptin
Aptos Pancake
Aptos Aries Market
Aptos Pancake
Aptos Hippo
Aptos Merkle Trade
Aptos Mercato
Aptos Pyth Network
Aptos Supra Oracles
Aptos Kana Labs

Defy Essentials

Explore the basic features to make your defi journey simple and seamless.

Avex ID & Phone

Send assets across any network using .AVEX or Mobile number

Smart Send

Pay using any assets, while the receiver gets what they want, i.e, pay for NFT using GUI, while seller gets paid in APT.

Smart Send

Pay using any assets, while the receiver gets what they want, i.e, pay for NFT using GUI, while seller gets paid in APT.

Buy & Sell

Directly Onramp and sell your assets in a regulatory complaint way, at best possible rates

Scam Detection

Don't fall prey to scams and loose money. let's hunt them down together

Scam Detection

Don't fall prey to scams and loose money. let's hunt them down together

Gasless Transaction

Pay your network fee using any token or make it completely free using free transaction coupons.

Custom Accounts

Personalize Your Accounts To Reflect Your Unique Style, Preferences and use cases. Customize Colors, Names and Display Emojis To Make Your Wallet Truly Yours.

Avex Defy Wallet for Portfolio
Avex Defy Wallet for NFTs
Avex Defy Wallet Family account
Avex Defy Wallet for Business

Manage Portfolio

Track 100x gems, Shill memecoins, Scout upcoming drops, Trade live positions, Analyze portfolio and more all In A SINGLE APP.

Social Trading

Track, Connect and Co-Invest with Friends. Join Groups, Earn Badges and Boost Reputation.

Avex Defy Social Trading

Trading made fun

Making Money With Friends is Awesome

Track your friends

Track your friends portfolio and see what they are invested in

Auto Trading

Automate trading with sniper bots or subscribe to top traders and whales.

Social Network

Meet people on-chain and increase your TVL(Total Value Of Followers) by connecting with them.

Trading made fun

Making Money With Friends is Awesome

Network path

Visualize your on-chain social network and see how far your reach is.

Messaging and Groups

Create group chats and participate in competitions

Badges & Boosts

Showcase your achievement badges and receive tags based on your trading activity.
Avex Defy Messaging

Trading made fun

Explore the advanced features of collaboration

Social Network

Find Your Social Network
Visualize your social network and see the people that are in your social graph.

Group Activities

Create Group Chats, Have Fun
Create Groups, Do Private Trades and Participate in Competitions.

Badges & Boosts

Showcase Badges and Receive Boosts
Gain Reputation Score by completing achievements and get boosts and badges.

Dive into De-Fi

Access All Defi products in one interface

Avex Defy Vault
returns with our vaults.
Avex Defy Lend and Borrow
Lend & Borrow
NFTs and Tokens
Avex Defy Aptos
tracking made easy
Avex Defy Swap Aptos to USDC
and bridge assets
at time intervals for savings.
Avex Defy Paylater
Buy now paylater at ease

Leverage Trade

and set limit orders.
Avex Defy Notification

SecureThan ever

Access All Defi products in one interface

Aptos Keyless Account
Aptos Keyless allows your users to set up an Aptos blockchain account from their existing Google accounts, rather than from a traditional secret key or mnemonic
MPC Accounts
Aptos Keyless allows your users to set up an Aptos blockchain account from their existing Google accounts, rather than from a traditional secret key or mnemonic
MPC Accounts
Aptos Keyless allows your users to set up an Aptos blockchain account from their existing Google accounts, rather than from a traditional secret key or mnemonic

SecureThan ever

Access All Defi products in one interface

Aptos Keyless Account

Aptos Keyless allows your users to set up an Aptos blockchain account from their existing Google accounts, rather than from a traditional secret key or mnemonic.

Collect Exciting Rewards

Access All Defi products in one interface

Grab Your NFTs as your rewards and get engaged with DEFY in a more gamified Interfaces